(in photography) the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects giving a focused image.
Depth of
field refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp. It varies
depending on camera type, aperture and focusing distance, although print size
and viewing distance can also influence our perception of depth of field. This
tutorial is designed to give a better intuitive and technical understanding for
photography, and provides a depth of field calculator to show how it varies
with your camera settings.
The depth
of field does not abruptly change from sharp to unsharp, but instead occurs as
a gradual transition. In fact, everything immediately in front of or in back of
the focusing distance begins to lose sharpness — even if this is not perceived
by our eyes or by the resolution of the camera.
there is no critical point of transition, a more rigorous term called the
"circle of confusion" is used to define how much a point needs
to be blurred in order to be perceived as unsharp. When the circle of confusion
becomes perceptible to our eyes, this region is said to be outside the depth of
field and thus no longer "acceptably sharp." The circle of confusion
above has been exaggerated for clarity; in reality this would be only a tiny
fraction of the camera sensor's area.
When does
the circle of confusion become perceptible to our eyes? An acceptably sharp
circle of confusion is loosely defined as one which would go unnoticed when
enlarged to a standard 8x10 inch print, and observed from a standard viewing
distance of about 1 foot.
At this
viewing distance and print size, camera manufacturers assume a circle of
confusion is negligible if no larger than 0.01 inches (when enlarged). As a
result, camera manufacturers use the 0.01 inch standard when providing lens
depth of field markers (shown below for f/22 on a 50mm lens). In reality, a
person with 20/20 vision or better can distinguish features 1/3 this size, and
so the circle of confusion has to be even smaller than this to achieve
acceptable sharpness throughout.
different maximum circle of confusion also applies for each print size and
viewing distance combination. In the earlier example of blurred dots, the
circle of confusion is actually smaller than the resolution of your screen for
the two dots on either side of the focal point, and so these are considered
within the depth of field. Alternatively, the depth of field can be based on
when the circle of confusion becomes larger than the size of your digital
camera's pixels.
Note that
depth of field only sets a maximum value for the circle of confusion, and does
not describe what happens to regions once they become out of focus. These
regions are also called "bokeh," from Japanese (pronounced bo-ké).
Two images with identical depth of field may have significantly different
bokeh, as this depends on the shape of the lens diaphragm. In reality, the
circle of confusion is usually not actually a circle, but is only approximated
as such when it is very small. When it becomes large, most lenses will render
it as a polygonal shape with 5-8 sides.
print size and viewing distance influence how large the circle of confusion appears
to our eyes, aperture and focusing distance distance are the two main factors
that determine how big the circle of confusion will be on your camera's sensor.
Larger apertures (smaller F-stop number) and closer focusing distances produce
a shallower depth of field. The following test maintains the same focus
distance, but changes the aperture setting:
images taken with a 200 mm lens (320 mm field of view on a 35 mm camera)
Note that
focal length has not been listed as influencing depth of field, contrary to
popular belief. Even though telephoto lenses appear to create a much
shallower depth of field, this is mainly because they are often used to magnify
the subject when one is unable to get closer. If the subject occupies the same
fraction of the image (constant magnification) for both a telephoto and a wide angle lens, the total depth of field is
virtually* constant with focal length! This would of course require you to
either get much closer with a wide angle lens or much further with a telephoto
lens, as demonstrated in the following chart:
Focal Length (mm)
Focus Distance (m)
Depth of Field (m)
Depth of field calculations are at f/4.0 on a camera with a 1.6X crop factor,
using a circle of confusion of 0.0206 mm.
Note how
there is indeed a subtle change for the smallest focal lengths. This is a real
effect, but is negligible compared to both aperture and focusing distance. Even
though the total depth of field is virtually constant, the fraction of the
depth of field which is in front of and behind the focus distance does change
with focal length, as demonstrated below:
Distribution of the Depth of Field
Focal Length (mm)
70.2 %
29.8 %
60.1 %
39.9 %
54.0 %
46.0 %
52.0 %
48.0 %
51.0 %
49.0 %
50.5 %
49.5 %
exposes a limitation of the traditional DoF concept: it only accounts for the
total DoF and not its distribution around the focal plane, even though both may
contribute to the perception of sharpness. Note how a wide angle lens provides
a more gradually fading DoF behind the focal plane than in front, which is
important for traditional landscape photographs.
focal lengths may also appear to have a shallower depth of field because
they enlarge the background relative to the foreground (due to their narrower
angle of view). This can make an out of focus background look even more out of
focus because its blur has become enlarged. However, this is another concept
entirely, since depth of field only describes the sharp region of a photo — not
the blurred regions.
On the
other hand, when standing in the same place and focusing on a subject at the
same distance, a longer focal length lens will have a shallower depth of field
(even though the pictures will frame the subject entirely differently). This is
more representative of everyday use, but is an effect due to higher
magnification, not focal length.
Depth of
field also appears shallower for SLR cameras than for compact digital cameras,
because SLR cameras require a longer focal length to achieve the same field of
view (see the tutorial on digital camera sensor sizes for more
on this topic).
Note: We describe depth of field as being virtually constant because
there are limiting cases where this does not hold true. For focal distances
resulting in high magnification, or very near the hyperfocal distance, wide angle lenses may
provide a greater DoF than telephoto lenses. On the other hand, at high
magnification the traditional DoF calculation becomes inaccurate due to another
factor: pupil magnification. This reduces the DoF advantage for most wide angle
lenses, and increases it for telephoto and macro lenses. At the other limiting
case, near the hyperfocal distance, the increase in DoF arises because the wide
angle lens has a greater rear DoF, and can thus more easily attain critical
sharpness at infinity.
In order
to calculate the depth of field, one needs to first decide on an appropriate
value for the maximum allowable circle of confusion. This is based on both the
camera type (sensor or film size), and on the viewing distance / print size
combination. Needless to say, knowing what this will be ahead of time often
isn't straightforward. Try out the depth of field calculator tool to help you find
this for your specific situation.
implication of the circle of confusion is the concept of depth of focus (also
called the "focus spread"). It differs from depth of field because it
describes the distance over which light is focused at the camera's sensor,
as opposed to the subject:
depicting depth of focus versus camera aperture. The purple lines comprising
the edge of each shaded region represent the extreme angles at which light
could potentially enter the aperture. The interior of the purple shaded regions
represents all other possible angles.
The key
concept is this: when an object is in focus, light rays originating from that
point converge at a point on the camera's sensor. If the light rays hit the
sensor at slightly different locations (arriving at a disc instead of a point),
then this object will be rendered as out of focus — and increasingly so
depending on how far apart the light rays are.
Why not
just use the smallest aperture (largest number) to achieve the best possible
depth of field? Other than the fact that this may require prohibitively long
shutter speeds without a camera tripod, too small of an aperture softens
the image by creating a larger circle of confusion (or "Airy disk")
due to an effect called diffraction — even within the plane of focus.
Diffraction quickly becomes more of a limiting factor than depth of field as
the aperture gets smaller. Despite their extreme depth of field, this is also
why "pinhole cameras" have limited resolution.
For macro
photography (high magnification), the depth of field is actually influenced
by another factor: pupil magnification. This is equal to one for lenses which
are internally symmetric, although for wide angle and telephoto lenses this is
greater or less than one, respectively. A greater depth of field is achieved
(than would be ordinarily calculated) for a pupil magnification less than one, whereas
the pupil magnification does not change the calculation when it is equal to
one. The problem is that the pupil magnification is usually not provided by
lens manufacturers, and one can only roughly estimate it visually.
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